The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Seconds

Thought we’d kick this blog off with a video that’s one of the most inspirational I’ve come across. For those on our Facebook page, sorry to have to repost but it is worth the share.

This life is not a walk in the park but the rewards are there for the taking, we all need that motivational kick every once in a while… Consider this yours!

Let us know what you think 🙂


What Most Don’t See by Patrick Bet-David

Most people only pay attention to the final product of a
successful entrepreneur.
They say things like, “ I can never be like them.”
What most don’t see, is what they’ve overcome.
All the struggles, the daily rejections, the heart aches,
the betrayals, the rumors, the criticism,
the empty bank account, and all those lonely nights while trying to make their vision a reality.
You see the only difference between the one who quits and the one who doesn’t is that
they showed up every day,
they worked hard every day,
they hustled every day,
they learned from a proven mentor every day,
they improved every day,
They did all this even though they felt like quitting every day.
And eventually,
they became who they are today.

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